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Being a kid is hard enough these days...
But being a dead one is even harder!

A Middle Grade Horror Fantasy Novel Series

Don H. Henry
Don and his loving wife, Elsa, live at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, where abandoned gold mines and dusty ghost towns can be found at the ends of any of the lonely dirt roads winding through the pine-covered hills. There, in the shadow of the Continental Divide, he grew up in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado, living with his mother and two sisters.
His childhood was set back in the roller disco era of the 70s and on through the colorful neon age of the 80s. During that time he worked at Mann at Theaters as a doorman, where his imagination grew and developed from his love of movies and adapted books. Especially the Fantasy, Horror and Science Fiction genres that transported him to an array of fascinating new worlds with light sabers, aliens, monsters, ghosts, cyborgs, space ships and laser beams.
He was also a devoted reader of Stephen King, S.E. Hinton, and Frank Herbert novels, to name a few - and was known to join some of his nerdiest friends in Dungeons & Dragons games as well.
After becoming a finalist in Project Greenlight, and some option agreements with his first horror screenplay, Fractured, Don decided to pursue his passion of writing, and finally pen (laptop keyboard) a novel. And with the full support of his (still waiting...) wife, he retired from his twenty-five year financial industry career to complete the fictional novel series that had been haunting his mind for the last many years. Conjuring up a story about a school for young ghosts.